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  • Writer's pictureKaia Hutchison

“Pleasure is the flower that passes; remembrance, the lasting perfume”- Jean de Boufflers

Updated: Apr 29, 2019

Over the weekend, I smelled many scents and these are the ones that stuck out!

1. Baby Lips Lipstick in the shade Pink Shock- I've been wearing this shade for years because of its sheer color. Its not about the color per say, but the smell. It just reminds me of my middle school years and the days where I would go to my local community pool and hang out with friends. Days I didn't worry about turning in a final by a certain time or writing essays.

2. The smell of Holly- Yes, I realize it is April, but I burn candles constantly and these scent of the holidays just puts me in good mood

3. Warm vanilla sugar- This scent makes me reminisce about my days traveling across the states with my family. This was such a critical year- for me, because it was year of self discovery.

4, A peach infused blush- I don't wear a lot of makeup, but when I do this is my go-to. This scent just makes me happy and reminds me of spring.

5. Gardenia- this flower is my moms favorite flower. And over the weekend we had to do some yard work, and I found a bush behind my house and I was elated!

6. This might be a weird one, but... my Shawn Mendes lotion which is one of favorites because it has a very maple musk to it, which reminds me of the days when I lived in Virginia

7. eggs- in one word, the smell of the entire weekend would have to be "eggs", because this is my go-to breakfast food

8. acai- my mom makes this every time we come back from a run and this weekend we went excercising and she made a bowl with granola, and honey

9. oatmeal- I love skin care and I made myself a mask out of oatmeal and honey and this is how I spent my prom night

10. sea salt- I explored the beach on Sunday afternoon and this pretty much ended my weekend off on a good note.

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